I live on a pretty tight budget, so I’m always looking for creative new ways to save money without much to spare. This could be a great plan to follow for those who are new to saving, or for others, like me, that don’t have a huge income to work with. I’ve been setting aside larger portions of my usual monthly savings for special events I have coming up, but I was thinking this could be the perfect way to save just a little bit extra strictly for our new house, which we’re hoping to purchase next spring.
Save Money
5 Ways to Save on Your Taxes
The April 15th deadline for filing your taxes is quickly approaching! Check out some of these ways to save when filing both now and in the future:
To Coupon or Not To Coupon – Are You Really Saving Money?
“Extreme Couponing” has been a fairly popular craze over the past few years, but I can’t say I’ve ever bought into it. It just seemed so time-consuming and tedious. It made me wonder if it was worth it, if there was some trick to it that I didn’t know about that would magically result in tons of savings on every trip to the store. I’ve given it a shot, and while I may have saved a buck or two, I felt my time was worth more than I was saving. Consider the following before you jump on the coupon-clipping bandwagon:
Save Money on Your Monthly Bills
We can pinch pennies and be as budget-savvy as possible, but let’s face the facts – there are some expenses we just can’t get around. That doesn’t mean you can’t get your money’s worth out of the services you need. Below are some ways to save on bills that most of us have to pay every month – feel free to add to our list and share your tips with us!
5 Things That Will Bust Your Budget
Even if we have the best-laid plans set out to stay on track, life occasionally throws us a curve. The smartest way to be prepared for financial emergencies is to have a back-up fund for whatever unexpectedly comes your way. How do you know what you should prepare for? Well, you don’t, but these are some of the most common wrenches that get thrown into the mix:
Oh, Baby!
I’ve seemed to surpass that stage in life when it seems like everyone is getting engaged or married… because now, all of my friends are having kids. I was all aboard the Matrimony Train, but this adventure makes me hesitate just a bit – it’s obviously not something you just jump into.
Frugal Fun
Just because you’re on a budget doesn’t mean that you can’t have any fun. There’s plenty to do on nights and weekends without breaking the bank. I know, because I’d much rather be out and about on a Saturday instead of hiding in my house, especially now that warmer weather is headed our way. Here are some ideas to consider when searching for cheap entertainment.
Tighten Your Belt
Now is as good a time as any to tighten your belt, both financially and physically! You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get fit and healthy. Here are some great ideas for working out on a budget.
Savings Challenge – I’m Giving Up
While not everyone celebrates the Easter holiday, many people are familiar with Lent, the forty-day observance before it (which started yesterday, March 5th). It’s during this time that many people choose to give up certain luxuries as a form of penitence. Even if you’re not a religious person, this can still be a great time for cleansing and renewal (a “Spring Cleaning,” if you will). Why not use it as a time to start fresh with your finances? Here are 4 ideas for things to “sacrifice” for the next month – choose one or choose a few! We’d love to hear any other suggestions you might have, too!
Destination: Anywhere
“You don’t have to be rich to travel well.” – Eugene Fodor
I love to travel, but luxury vacations aren’t exactly in my budget. I’ve found that the older I get, the harder it is to get away – in addition to finances, work commitments, household chores, errands and to-do lists bog down so many of my evenings and most of my weekends (not to mention the never-ending quest to catch up on sleep). I only see more responsibilities in my near future as I build both a home and a family, so I’ve made it a point to visit as many places and do as many things as I can now. So how can I afford to get away on a dime? I’ve found a few tricks and tips for pinching my pennies.