Trying to pay down your credit card debt? We’ve already told you how just paying the minimums won’t get you anywhere, but what difference would just paying a few extra dollars make?
News and Updates
Note to Self: Make Notes to Self
One of the most requested features we’ve had was rolled out yesterday, the ability to add notes to your budget.
The New BudgetSimple – Tour
Today we released version 3 of BudgetSimple, which is a substantial overall in terms of looks from the old BudgetSimple. Almost all of the features are the same though, so once you get used to the new look you’ll find the same familiar usefulness. A few things are different that are worth noting.
Time to Start Remembering Your Password
At BudgetSimple, we’re always thinking about security. We know you never want someone accessing your account without your permission.
Feature Friday: How to Make the New Work Like the Old
This week we rolled out a new feature for BudgetSimple that was a long time in the making, “Defined Categories”. Defined categories are categories that BudgetSimple understands, so when you categorize something as Entertainment:Restaurants/Dining, soon we’ll be able to analyze how much you eat out vs spend on rent. In the old way, you could type whatever you want and the best we could do is guess.
A Tour of Our New Android App
Since we did a tour of the iPhone app when it was released, I thought it was only fair to do the same thing for our Droid users. One of the things that makes budgeting difficult is remembering to update our actual spending on a regular basis. Making a budget plan is a great start, but if we’re not consistently recording our expenses, it’s not much use.
Overview of Some Recent Changes
It’s been a busy couple of months at BudgetSimple. We have a “continuous development” philosophy, where new features and bug fixes get pushed out the door basically as soon as they are created and tested. This allows us to have regular updates, but most are so subtle you probably don’t even notice them, so I thought I’d do a post outlining some of the big ones you may find useful.
A Tour of Our New iPhone App
One of the things that makes budgeting difficult is remembering to update our actual spending on a regular basis. Making a budget plan is a great start, but if we’re not consistently recording our expenses, it’s not much use.
Monthly Carryover
This is part 2 of an ongoing series of posts about how to use BudgetSimple to manage your budget. Please read part 1 first.
In our first example we ended up the month over budget. I suspect this is the most common reality of people s first month in BudgetSimple. If you are under budget, great! Put the extra money in savings, or pay down a credit card. But the trickier question is what do we do when you are over budget.
The Theory Behind BudgetSimple
Welcome! So you probably ended up here because you were looking for a free online budget. Congratulations, you have found one, but now what?