Let’s Refresh: What’s The Point of Budgeting?

I’ve become so used to budgeting that I sometimes forget that it doesn’t come easily for everyone. Once upon a time, it was a struggle for me, too. I spent my money carelessly and didn’t bother to save anything. It wasn’t until I found myself in debt (thankfully, not a suffocating amount) that I realized I had to make a change. Creating a budget allowed me to make better decisions about my spending. I was able to look at where my money was going and decide if there was a smarter way to manage it.

Here are 5 reasons why budgeting is your best bet…

1. Your priorities will come first. Budgeting allows you to break down your spending and identify what absolutely has to be taken care of. It can help to identify where unnecessary spending is happening and redirect those funds to where you need them most.

2. You’ll be ready in case of an emergency. Life is filled with unexpected surprises – you could lose your job, you could get sick, there could be a death in the family – just about anything. Being better financially prepared for these types of emergencies will make you less likely to take on debt trying to deal with them. Budgeting can help you learn to grow this savings fund slowly (and realistically) while still taking care of your priorities.

3. You can more accurately plan for the future. Once you save up an emergency fund, you can figure out how much money you’re able to put aside to start saving for things like a house or a car, or even retirement. You can reach these goals faster if you manage your finances closely and you’re smart about your spending.

4. You can avoid debt. By budgeting, you avoid spending more than you earn, and you won’t need to use credit cards. People that use credit cards don’t always realize they’re overspending until they’re in over their heads. If you create a budget, you’ll know exactly how much money you earn, how much money you need to save, and how much you can afford to spend each month.

5. Peace of mind. Money can be a huge stressor. If you take control of your finances and you’re aware of your financial situation, it’s less likely to bother you as much.

Not sure where to start? That’s where BudgetSimple comes in. Create an account and they’ll walk you through the first steps of creating a budget and what to do next. They’ll analyze your finances, help you create a budget planner, and suggest where you can cut expenses or grow savings. With their help, you can find the best ways to get out of debt and start saving more money!