Assessment Creator

Assessment Builder

Customize Assessments to Align with Your Users' Financial Goals

The Custom Assessment Builder is a powerful tool that allows you to create assessments tailored to the specific financial needs of your users. Whether they are planning to buy a home, working on a budget, or preparing for retirement, you can design assessments that align with wherever they are in their financial journey. Use this tool to provide relevant, goal-oriented content that supports your users in achieving their financial objectives.

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User-level Reporting

Detailed User-Specific Financial Insights

Our User-Level Reporting feature dives deep into individual assessments, providing detailed insights into each user's responses. By offering personalized feedback and actionable recommendations, this tool helps users understand their results and guides them toward achieving their goals. Support your users with tailored advice that reflects their unique circumstances.

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Aggregate Reporting

Uncover Key Trends in Financial Assessments

Our Aggregate Reporting tool offers a bird's-eye view of your custom assessments, providing detailed metrics such as completion rates, average time spent, and overall scores. This feature allows you to delve into broader trends across various financial topics and user segments. Whether you're analyzing assessments related to budgeting, debt management, retirement planning, or home buying, the data can be segmented to uncover patterns and insights specific to each area. Leverage this information to make informed decisions, tailor your content to meet the diverse needs of your users, and refine your strategies based on collective financial behaviors and goals.

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